Solving the Mysterious Error: “"package crypto/ecdh is not in std" when using gccgo
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Solving the Mysterious Error: “"package crypto/ecdh is not in std" when using gccgo

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Are you tired of hitting a roadblock when trying to use the `crypto/ecdh` package with `gccgo`? You’re not alone! The error message “"package crypto/ecdh is not in std"” can be frustrating, especially when you’re new to Go programming. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to overcome this obstacle once and for all!

What is the `crypto/ecdh` package, and why do I need it?

The `crypto/ecdh` package in Go provides functions for Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange. It’s a crucial component in many cryptographic applications, including secure communication protocols and digital signatures. If you’re building a project that requires secure data exchange, you’ll likely need to use the `crypto/ecdh` package.

What is `gccgo`, and why am I using it?

`gccgo` is a Go compiler based on the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). It’s an alternative to the standard Go compiler, `gc`, and offers some unique features, such as better compatibility with C code. If you’re working on a project that requires seamless integration with C code or libraries, `gccgo` might be the perfect choice.

The Error: “"package crypto/ecdh is not in std"”

Now, let’s dive into the error that’s been plaguing you. When you try to use the `crypto/ecdh` package with `gccgo`, you might encounter the following error message:

$ gccgo -o myprog myprog.go
# command-line-arguments
myprog.go:4:2: fatal error: import "crypto/ecdh" packages "crypto/ecdh" is not in std
 compilation terminated.

This error occurs because the `crypto/ecdh` package is not part of the standard library in `gccgo`. But don’t worry, we’ll explore a few solutions to overcome this hurdle.

Solution 1: Use the `gc` compiler instead of `gccgo`

The simplest solution is to switch to the standard Go compiler, `gc`. Since the `crypto/ecdh` package is part of the standard library in `gc`, you won’t encounter any issues:

$ go build myprog.go
$ ./myprog

However, this solution might not be feasible if you need the specific features and compatibility of `gccgo`.

Solution 2: Use a custom Go build with `GCCGO_EXTERNAL_CRYPT_LIB=1`

Another solution is to build your own custom Go compiler with `gccgo` and enable the external crypto library. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Clone the Go repository:
    git clone
  2. Configure the build with GCCGO_EXTERNAL_CRYPT_LIB=1:
    ./make.bash GCCGO_EXTERNAL_CRYPT_LIB=1
  3. Build and install the custom Go compiler:
    ./make.bash install
  4. Verify the installation:
    $GOROOT/bin/gccgo -v

Once you’ve built and installed the custom Go compiler, you can use it to compile your program:

$ $GOROOT/bin/gccgo -o myprog myprog.go
$ ./myprog

Solution 3: Use a third-party crypto library

If you can’t or don’t want to use the standard `crypto/ecdh` package, consider using a third-party crypto library that provides ECDH functionality. One popular option is the `` package:

$ go get -u

In your code, import the package and use its ECDH functions:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Use the ecdh package from
    curve, _ := ecdh.NewCurve(ecdh.P256())
    priv, _ := curve.GenerateKey(nil)
    pub := priv.Public().(*ecdh.PublicKey)
    fmt.Println(pub.X, pub.Y)


In this article, we’ve explored the error “"package crypto/ecdh is not in std"” when using `gccgo` and presented three solutions to overcome it. Whether you choose to use the `gc` compiler, build a custom Go compiler with `gccgo`, or opt for a third-party crypto library, you’re now equipped to tackle ECDH-related projects with confidence!

Additional Resources

For further reading and exploration, check out these resources:

Stay curious, stay coding, and happy crypting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about “"package crypto/ecdh is not in std" when using gccgo”

What is the “package crypto/ecdh is not in std” error when using gccgo?

This error occurs when the Go compiler (gccgo) cannot find the crypto/ecdh package, which is not part of the standard library in gccgo. The crypto/ecdh package is part of the Go standard library, but gccgo has a different set of standard libraries.

Why does gccgo have a different set of standard libraries?

gccgo is a different implementation of the Go programming language, and it has its own set of standard libraries that are not compatible with the standard libraries of the Go compiler (gc). This allows gccgo to be more compatible with C code and to use the GNU C library.

How can I fix the “package crypto/ecdh is not in std” error?

You can fix this error by using a different crypto library that is compatible with gccgo, or by using the Go compiler (gc) instead of gccgo. You can also try to implement the ECDH algorithm yourself, but this is not recommended as it requires a deep understanding of cryptography.

Is it possible to use the Go standard library with gccgo?

No, it is not possible to use the Go standard library with gccgo. The Go standard library is tightly coupled with the Go compiler (gc) and is not compatible with gccgo. You can use the Go standard library only with the Go compiler (gc).

What are the alternatives to gccgo?

The main alternative to gccgo is the Go compiler (gc), which is the official Go compiler. You can also use other Go compilers, such as GopherJS or llgo, but these are not as widely used as gc and gccgo.