Solving the Frustrating “Attribute android:XXXXXXX is not allowed here” Error in Android Development
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Solving the Frustrating “Attribute android:XXXXXXX is not allowed here” Error in Android Development

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Are you tired of encountering the infuriating “Attribute android:XXXXXXX is not allowed here” error while building your Android app? You’re not alone! This pesky issue has plagued many developers, causing frustration and wasting valuable time. Fear not, dear reader, for this article will guide you through the troubleshooting process and provide clear, direct instructions to overcome this obstacle.

What causes the “Attribute android:XXXXXXX is not allowed here” error?

The error message “Attribute android:XXXXXXX is not allowed here” typically occurs when Android Studio’s layout editor or the build process encounters an attribute that is not valid or not allowed in a specific context. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, including:

  • Misplaced or incorrect attribute usage
  • Invalid or outdated Android SDK version
  • Incompatible or conflicting library versions
  • Typos or incorrect namespace declarations

Step 1: Identify the problematic attribute

The first step in resolving this issue is to identify the attribute causing the problem. Carefully examine the error message to determine which attribute is not allowed. For example:

Error:(12, 24) Attribute android:textAlignment is not allowed here

In this case, the problematic attribute is `android:textAlignment`. Make a note of this attribute and its corresponding layout file.

Step 2: Verify attribute usage

Check the official Android documentation or the Android API reference to ensure that the attribute is being used correctly. Confirm that:

  • The attribute is applicable to the specific view or layout
  • The attribute is not deprecated or obsolete
  • The attribute is correctly formatted and follows the recommended syntax

Step 3: Check for typos and incorrect namespace declarations

A simple typo or incorrect namespace declaration can cause the “Attribute android:XXXXXXX is not allowed here” error. Double-check that:

  • The attribute name is spelled correctly
  • The namespace is correctly declared and matches the Android SDK version
  • No extra or unnecessary characters are present in the attribute declaration

For example, ensure that `android:textAlignment` is not misspelled as `android:textaligmnt` or `android:textAligment`.

Step 4: Update the Android SDK and Gradle

Outdated Android SDK versions or incompatible library versions can cause issues. Make sure to:

  • Update the Android SDK to the latest version
  • Check for any updates to the Gradle plugin and Android Studio
  • Verify that the build.gradle file is correctly configured

Use the following code snippet to update the Android SDK and Gradle:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 29
    buildToolsVersion "29.0.2"

dependencies {
    implementation ''

Step 5: Clean and rebuild the project

Sometimes, a simple clean and rebuild can resolve the issue. Try:

  • Cleaning the project by going to Build > Clean Project
  • Rebuilding the project by going to Build > Rebuild Project

This will delete all the generated files and rebuild the project from scratch, which can help resolve any issues.

Step 6: Check for conflicts with other libraries

If you’re using third-party libraries, they might be conflicting with the problematic attribute. Try:

  • Removing or updating the conflicting library
  • Checking for any library version conflicts
  • Verifying that the library is compatible with the Android SDK version

Step 7: Check the layout file structure

The layout file structure might be causing the issue. Ensure that:

  • The layout file is correctly formatted and nested
  • No unnecessary or duplicate elements are present
  • The attribute is not being used in an invalid or unsupported context

Use the following example as a reference:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:textAlignment="center" />


Common Scenarios and Solutions

Here are some common scenarios and solutions for the “Attribute android:XXXXXXX is not allowed here” error:

Scenario Solution
`android:textAlignment` is not allowed in `LinearLayout` Use `android:gravity` instead
`android:scrollbars` is not allowed in `RecyclerView` Use `android:scrollbars` in the parent layout or container
`android:layout_constraint` is not allowed in `ConstraintLayout` Use `app:layout_constraint` instead (make sure to declare the `xmlns:app` namespace)


The “Attribute android:XXXXXXX is not allowed here” error can be frustrating, but by following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue. Remember to:

  • Verify attribute usage and syntax
  • Check for typos and incorrect namespace declarations
  • Update the Android SDK and Gradle
  • Clean and rebuild the project
  • Check for conflicts with other libraries
  • Verify the layout file structure

By being methodical and patient, you’ll be able to overcome this obstacle and continue building your amazing Android app.

Do you have any questions or need further assistance? Leave a comment below!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the error “Attribute android:XXXXXXX is not allowed here”? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot and resolve this issue.

What does the error “Attribute android:XXXXXXX is not allowed here” mean?

This error occurs when you’re trying to use an Android attribute in a wrong place or context. It’s like trying to put a square peg in a round hole – it just won’t fit! The attribute you’re using is not allowed in that particular XML element or layout.

How do I fix this error?

To fix this error, you need to identify the incorrect attribute and remove or replace it with the correct one. Check the Android documentation or the XML schema to see which attributes are allowed for the specific element or layout you’re working with. You can also try cleaning and rebuilding your project, or checking for any typos or syntax errors.

Which attributes are commonly used incorrectly?

Some commonly misused attributes include android:layout_width and android:layout_height, which are often used outside of the ViewGroup elements. Another common mistake is using android:onClick outside of a clickable view element, such as a Button or ImageButton.

How can I prevent this error from happening in the future?

To avoid this error, make sure to carefully read the Android documentation and understand the correct usage of each attribute. You can also use Android Studio’s built-in code completion and code inspections to help catch mistakes early on. Additionally, test your app thoroughly to catch any runtime errors that might occur due to incorrect attribute usage.

Can I use a third-party library to fix this error?

No, you don’t need a third-party library to fix this error. This error is usually caused by a simple mistake in your code, and can be resolved by correcting the attribute usage. However, if you’re using a third-party library that’s causing the error, you may need to check their documentation or contact their support team for assistance.