Unlocking the Secrets of Org-Mode: How to Reference the Value of a Defined Property in Header-Args
Image by Edira - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of Org-Mode: How to Reference the Value of a Defined Property in Header-Args

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Are you tired of tediously copying and pasting values in your Org-mode documents? Do you find yourself wondering how to efficiently reference the value of a defined property in header-args? Well, wonder no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Org-mode and uncover the secrets of accessing property values with ease.

Understanding Properties in Org-Mode

Before we dive into referencing property values, let’s briefly discuss what properties are and how they’re used in Org-mode. Properties are essentially key-value pairs that provide additional information about headings, sections, or even entire documents. They’re a powerful feature that allows you to store and retrieve data in a flexible and organized manner.

#+PROPERTY: PROJECT_NAME Some Awesome Project

In the example above, we’ve defined two properties: PROJECT_NAME with a value of “Some Awesome Project” and DEADLINE with a value of “2023-03-15”. These properties can be used to store metadata, settings, or even custom data specific to your project.

What are Header-Args?

Header-args, as the name suggests, are arguments that are applied to the entire document or a specific section. They’re typically used to define settings, options, or formatting for export, tangling, or other Org-mode features. Think of them as a way to customize the behavior of your Org-mode document.

#+HEADER: :exports code
#+HEADER: :tangle yes

In this example, we’ve defined two header-args: :exports code, which specifies that the document should be exported as code, and :tangle yes, which enables tangling (the process of generating code from Org-mode blocks).

Referencing Property Values in Header-Args

Now that we’ve covered the basics of properties and header-args, it’s time to explore how to reference property values within header-args. This is where things get interesting!

Method 1: Using the ` propriety` Keyword

One way to reference a property value in header-args is by using the `property` keyword followed by the property name. This method is straightforward and works beautifully for most cases.

#+PROPERTY: PROJECT_NAME Some Awesome Project
#+HEADER: :title {{property "PROJECT_NAME"}}

In this example, we’ve defined a property called PROJECT_NAME with a value of “Some Awesome Project”. We then use the `property` keyword to reference this value in the header-arg, setting the title of the document to the value of PROJECT_NAME.

Method 2: Using the `org-entry-get` Function

Another way to reference a property value is by using the `org-entry-get` function. This method is more flexible and allows you to access properties from the current entry or even parent entries.

#+PROPERTY: PROJECT_NAME Some Awesome Project
#+HEADER: :title (org-entry-get nil "PROJECT_NAME")

In this example, we use the `org-entry-get` function to retrieve the value of the PROJECT_NAME property from the current entry. The `nil` argument specifies that we want to retrieve the property from the current entry. You can also specify a specific entry or parent entry by providing an ID or a pointer to the desired entry.

Common Use Cases and Examples

Now that we’ve covered the basics of referencing property values in header-args, let’s explore some common use cases and examples:

Dynamic Titles and Headings

#+PROPERTY: PROJECT_NAME Some Awesome Project
#+HEADER: :title {{property "PROJECT_NAME"}} - Chapter {{property "CHAPTER_NUMBER"}}

In this example, we’ve defined two properties: PROJECT_NAME and CHAPTER_NUMBER. We then use these properties to create a dynamic title for our document, which will be updated automatically whenever the property values change.

Automating Export Settings

#+HEADER: :exports (org-entry-get nil "EXPORT_FORMAT")

In this example, we’ve defined a property called EXPORT_FORMAT with a value of “pdf”. We then use the `org-entry-get` function to reference this value in the header-arg, setting the export format to PDF.

Conditional Logic and Filtering

#+HEADER: :include_in_book (if (string= (org-entry-get nil "INCLUDE_IN_BOOK") "yes") "yes" "no")

In this example, we’ve defined a property called INCLUDE_IN_BOOK with a value of “yes”. We then use a conditional statement to evaluate the property value and set the `:include_in_book` header-arg accordingly.

Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

When working with properties and header-args in Org-mode, it’s essential to keep the following tips, tricks, and best practices in mind:

  • Use descriptive property names: Choose property names that are clear, concise, and meaningful. This will help you and others understand the purpose and context of your properties.
  • Keep properties organized: Organize your properties in a logical and consistent manner. This can help you avoid confusion and make it easier to maintain your documents.
  • Use header-args judiciously: Only use header-args when necessary, as they can affect the behavior of your entire document. Be cautious when applying header-args to ensure you’re not overriding valuable settings or metadata.
  • Test and verify: Always test and verify your properties and header-args to ensure they’re working as intended. This can save you from frustrating debugging sessions and unexpected behavior.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of Org-mode properties and header-args, uncovering the secrets of referencing property values with ease. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to create more efficient, flexible, and dynamic documents that adapt to your needs.

Remember, the key to unlocking the full potential of Org-mode lies in understanding how to effectively use properties and header-args. With practice and creativity, you’ll be able to create astonishing documents that will leave your colleagues and collaborators in awe.

What’s Next?

If you’re eager to learn more about Org-mode and its wonders, be sure to check out our upcoming articles on advanced Org-mode topics, such as:

  • Using Org-mode for project management and task tracking
  • Creating custom Org-mode templates and workflows
  • Integrating Org-mode with other Emacs packages and tools

Stay tuned for more excitement and discovery in the world of Org-mode!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on referencing the value of a defined property in org-mode’s header-args!

How do I reference the value of a defined property in org-mode’s header-args?

You can reference the value of a defined property in org-mode’s header-args using the `:(property)` syntax. For example, if you have a property named `MY_VAR` with the value `some_value`, you can reference it in your header-args like this: `:(MY_VAR)`. This will replace `:(MY_VAR)` with `some_value` in your exports.

Can I use this syntax in all org-mode exports?

Unfortunately, the `:(property)` syntax only works in certain org-mode exports, such as LaTeX and HTML. It’s not supported in other exports like Markdown or ASCII. If you need to reference a property in a non-supported export, you’ll need to use a different approach.

How do I define a property in org-mode?

Easy peasy! To define a property in org-mode, you can use the `#+PROPERTY` directive followed by the property name and value. For example: `#+PROPERTY: MY_VAR some_value`. This will define a property named `MY_VAR` with the value `some_value`.

Can I reference a property in a complex way, like using a function?

You can reference a property in a more complex way by using elisp code. For example, you can use the `:(eval (MY_FUNC MY_VAR))` syntax to call an elisp function `MY_FUNC` with the property `MY_VAR` as an argument. This allows you to perform more complex operations on your properties.

Are there any limitations to using properties in org-mode’s header-args?

Yes, there are some limitations to using properties in org-mode’s header-args. For example, properties are only available in the current buffer, so you can’t reference a property defined in a different file. Additionally, properties are not available during the export process, so you can’t use them in export-specific code.

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